  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Represents a loop compound command.




  • new CommandLoop(startTime: number, repeatCount: number): CommandLoop


alpha: CommandTimeline<number> = ...

The command timeline that changes the opacity of an animation or sprite.

blendingParameters: CommandTimeline<BlendingParameters> = ...

The command timeline that determines the blending behavior of an animation or sprite.

The command timeline that changes an animation or sprite's virtual light source color.

The colors of the pixels on the animation or sprite are determined subtractively.

flipHorizontal: CommandTimeline<boolean> = ...

The command timeline that determines whether the animation or sprite should be flipped horizontally.

flipVertical: CommandTimeline<boolean> = ...

The command timeline that determines whether the animation or sprite should be flipped vertically.

loopStartTime: number

The start time of the loop command.

The command timeline that changes an animation or sprite's X and Y coordinates.

rotation: CommandTimeline<number> = ...

The command timeline that rotates an animation or sprite, in radians, clockwise.

scale: CommandTimeline<number> = ...

The command timeline that scales an animation or sprite with a number.

totalIterations: number

The total number of times this loop is played back. Always greater than zero.

vectorScale: CommandTimeline<Vector2> = ...

The command timeline that scales an animation or sprite with a vector.

This allows scaling the width and height of an animation or sprite individually at the same time.

x: CommandTimeline<number> = ...

The command timeline that changes an animation or sprite's X-coordinate.

y: CommandTimeline<number> = ...

The command timeline that changes an animation or sprite's Y-coordinate.


  • get commandsDuration(): number
  • get commandsEndTime(): number
  • get commandsStartTime(): number
  • get duration(): number
  • get earliestDisplayedTime(): null | number
  • get endTime(): number
  • get hasCommands(): boolean
  • get startTime(): number


  • toString(): string

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