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A difficulty calculator for osu!droid gamemode.





aim: number

The aim star rating of the beatmap.

Additional data that is used in performance calculation.

The calculated beatmap.

flashlight: number

The flashlight star rating of the beatmap.

mods: <internal>.Mod[]

The modifications applied.

The difficulty objects of the beatmap.

rhythm: number

The rhythm star rating of the beatmap.

The map statistics of the beatmap after modifications are applied.

strainPeaks: <internal>.StrainPeaks

The strain peaks of various calculated difficulties.

tap: number

The tap star rating of the beatmap.

total: number

The total star rating of the beatmap.

visual: number

The visual star rating of the beatmap.


  • Calculates the star rating of the specified beatmap.

    The beatmap is analyzed in chunks of sectionLength duration. For each chunk the highest hitobject strains are added to a list which is then collapsed into a weighted sum, much like scores are weighted on a user's profile.

    For subsequent chunks, the initial max strain is calculated by decaying the previous hitobject's strain until the beginning of the new chunk.


    Returns <internal>.DroidDifficultyCalculator

    The current instance.

  • calculateAim(): void
  • Calculates the aim star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • calculateAll(): void
  • Calculates every star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • calculateFlashlight(): void
  • Calculates the flashlight star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • calculateRhythm(): void
  • Calculates the rhythm star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • calculateTap(): void
  • Calculates the tap star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • calculateTotal(): void
  • Calculates the total star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • calculateVisual(): void
  • Calculates the visual star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.

    Returns void

  • generateDifficultyHitObjects(): void
  • toString(): string
  • Returns a string representative of the class.

    Returns string

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