Constructs a new instance of the calculator.
The beatmap to calculate. This beatmap will be deep-cloned to prevent reference changes.
The aim star rating of the beatmap.
Additional data that is used in performance calculation.
The calculated beatmap.
The flashlight star rating of the beatmap.
The modifications applied.
The difficulty objects of the beatmap.
The rhythm star rating of the beatmap.
The map statistics of the beatmap after modifications are applied.
The strain peaks of various calculated difficulties.
The tap star rating of the beatmap.
The total star rating of the beatmap.
The visual star rating of the beatmap.
Calculates the star rating of the specified beatmap.
The beatmap is analyzed in chunks of sectionLength
For each chunk the highest hitobject strains are added to
a list which is then collapsed into a weighted sum, much
like scores are weighted on a user's profile.
For subsequent chunks, the initial max strain is calculated by decaying the previous hitobject's strain until the beginning of the new chunk.
Options for the difficulty calculation.
The current instance.
Calculates the aim star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Calculates every star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Calculates the flashlight star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Calculates the rhythm star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Calculates the tap star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Calculates the total star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Calculates the visual star rating of the beatmap and stores it in this instance.
Generates difficulty hitobjects for this calculator.
Returns a string representative of the class.
Generated using TypeDoc
A difficulty calculator for osu!droid gamemode.