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Represents an exported replay's JSON structure.


  • ExportedReplayJSON



replaydata: { accuracy: number; combo: number; filename: string; h100: number; h100k: number; h300: number; h300k: number; h50: number; mark: string; misses: number; mod: string; perfect: number; playername: string; replayfile: string; score: number; time: number }

Data of the exported replay.

Type declaration

  • accuracy: number

    Accuracy gained in the replay.

  • combo: number

    The maximum combo achieved.

  • filename: string

    The path towards the beatmap's .osu file from the song directory of the game.

  • h100: number

    The amount of good hits in the replay.

  • h100k: number

    The amount of katu hits in the replay.

  • h300: number

    The amount of great hits in the replay.

  • h300k: number

    The amount of geki hits in the replay.

  • h50: number

    The amount of meh hits in the replay.

  • mark: string

    The rank achieved in the replay.

  • misses: number

    The amount of misses in the replay.

  • mod: string

    Droid modifications that are used in the replay.

  • perfect: number

    Whether the score is a full combo (1 is true, 0 is false).

  • playername: string

    The name of the player.

  • replayfile: string

    The name of the replay file.

  • score: number

    The amount of total score achieved.

  • time: number

    The epoch date at which the score was set, in milliseconds.

version: number

The version of the exported replay.

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