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Contains information about a replay.


  • ReplayInformation

Implemented by



accuracy?: <internal>.Accuracy

The accuracy achieved in the play.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

If map is defined in analyzer (either in Beatmap or StarRating instance), this will be analyzed using beatmap hitobject information and replay hitobject data for replay v1 and v2.

convertedMods?: <internal>.Mod[]

Enabled modifications during the play in osu!standard format.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

cursorMovement: CursorData[]

The cursor movement data of the replay.

fileName: string

The file name of the beatmap played.

folderName: string

The folder name containing the beatmap played.

forcedAR?: number

The forced AR of the replay.

Only available in replay v4 or later.

hash: string

The MD5 hash of the beatmap played.

hit100k?: number

The amount of 100 katu achieved in the play. See this osu! wiki page for more information.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

If map is defined in analyzer (either in Beatmap or StarRating instance), this will be analyzed using beatmap hitobject information and replay hitobject data for replay v1 and v2.

hit300k?: number

The amount of geki and 300 katu achieved in the play. See this osu! wiki page for more information.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

If map is defined in analyzer (either in Beatmap or StarRating instance), this will be analyzed using beatmap hitobject information and replay hitobject data for replay v1 and v2.

hitObjectData: ReplayObjectData[]

The hit object data of the replay.

isFullCombo?: boolean

Whether or not the play achieved the beatmap's maximum combo.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

maxCombo?: number

The maximum combo achieved in the play.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

playerName?: string

The name of the player in the replay.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

rank?: string

The achieved rank in the play.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

If map is defined in analyzer (either in Beatmap or StarRating instance), this will be analyzed using beatmap hitobject information and replay hitobject data for replay v1 and v2.

rawMods?: string

Enabled modifications during the play in raw Java object format.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

replayVersion: number

The version of the replay.

score?: number

The total score achieved in the play.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

speedModification?: number

The speed modification of the replay.

Only available in replay v4 or later. By default this is 1.

time?: Date

The date of which the play was set.

Only available in replay v3 or later.

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