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A replay analyzer that analyzes a replay from osu!droid.

Created by reverse engineering the replay parser from the game itself, which can be found here.

Once analyzed, the result can be accessed via the data property.


  • ReplayAnalyzer




aimPenalty: number = 1

Penalty value used to penalize dpp for 2-hand.

The beatmap that is being analyzed. DroidStarRating or RebalanceDroidStarRating is required for three finger or two hand analyzing.

data: null | ReplayData = null

The results of the analyzer. null when initialized.

fixedODR: null | Buffer = null

The fixed odr file of the replay.

hasBeenCheckedFor2Hand: boolean = false

Whether this replay has been checked against 2 hand usage.

hasBeenCheckedFor3Finger: boolean = false

Whether this replay has been checked against 3 finger usage.

is2Hand?: boolean

Whether or not the play is considered 2-handed.

is3Finger?: boolean

Whether or not the play is considered using >=3 finger abuse.

originalODR: null | Buffer = null

The original odr file of the replay.

scoreID: number

The score ID of the replay.

tapPenalty: number = 1

Penalty value used to penalize dpp for 3 finger abuse.

twoHandCursorIndexes: number[] = []

The cursor indexes at which each object was hit.

This is filled after 2 hand usage has been checked.


  • checkFor2Hand(): void
  • checkFor3Finger(): void

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